Policies are subject to change to improve patient health outcomes, maintain patient privacy, and meet federal/state guidelines.
Payment is expected at time services are rendered. You are responsible for any and all co-payments, deductibles, coinsurances, and/or services not covered by insurance at time of service. More information is available at the following links:
Please review the following policies:
Below you will find our policies on scheduling, prescription renewal, immunization, privacy, billing, payment and divorced, separated or unmarried families. If you have questions, we will be happy to assist you! Just give us a call or text at 907-777-1800.
Scheduling Policy: Our primary concern is safe, efficient, quality healthcare for all our patients. We believe that patients deserve our attention during the scheduled time we have reserved for them. By arriving prior to your appointment time you help maintain the flow of the schedule for our other patients. Our automated text messages will prompt you to confirm your check-in time starting two days prior to your visit. Please follow the prompts to confirm!
Please Note:
Patients should arrive 15 minutes prior to their appointment time.
Patients arriving late for their appointment time may be asked to reschedule.
Patients who no-show an appointment may be limited to same-day scheduling or dismissal from ACP if multiple no-shows occur. A No-Show is defined as:
Not showing up for your appointment
Not calling to cancel or reschedule your appointment
Calling within 2 hours of your appointment time to cancel or reschedule
Arriving after your scheduled appointment time
New patients who No-Show their first appointment(s) are typically not eligible for rescheduling.
If multiple No-Shows occur, you may be placed on a 6-month probationary same-day only scheduling status. If No-Shows persist during same-day only scheduling status, it may lead to discharge from our clinic.
Prescription Renewal: Prescriptions refills can be requested via patient portal, phone, or pharmacy request. However, there are times that an appointment is required before the prescription can be refilled. This request is to ensure that your child is receiving the best possible medical care with an appropriate medication, dosing and frequency based on your child’s current height and weight, among other factors.
For prescription renewal please call or text us during office hours. Except in emergencies, we do not refill medication after hours when the medical records are not available. ACP can typically accommodate prescription requests within 24-48 hours, but may require 72 hours to complete. We ask our patients to plan accordingly.
>>> Click here to renew a prescription through Patient Portal.
Immunizations: ACP follows the immunization schedule recommended by the American Academy of Pediatrics and the State of Alaska. Your provider will help you consider options based on scientific evidence. Evidence-based medicine is the process of systematically reviewing, appraising and using clinical research findings to aid the delivery of optimum clinical care to patients. It is the policy of ACP to document the health care provider’s discussion with parents about the serious risks of what could happen to an unimmunized or underimmunized child. ACP will provide parents with the appropriate Vaccine Information Sheet(s) (VIS) at each immunization visit and answer their questions. For parents who refuse one or more recommended immunizations, ACP will document the conversation and the provision of the VIS. ACP will revisit the immunization discussion at each subsequent visit and will document the discussion, including the benefits to each immunization and the risk of not being age-appropriately immunized. Our priority is always the health and well being of your child and family!
Privacy: Medical information shared with us is confidential. It is shared with other health care providers, hospitals, schools, and/or insurance companies only with your written authorization. (Some diseases and injuries are required by law to be reported to State Health Agencies.)
We respect your adolescent’s need for privacy. As your child reaches puberty we may ask that parents leave the exam room briefly. This allows us to discuss sensitive issues and examine your child without causing undue embarrassment. Adolescents appreciate this courtesy.
Photos, videos, and recordings are not allowed while our staff are in the exam rooms to maintain compliance with HIPAA policies that protect patient healthcare information.
Divorced, Separated, or Unmarried Families: ACP’s goal is to provide and maintain a trusting partnership between practice and families. Being aware of our clinic policy allows for ease in communication and enables us to achieve our goal. We believe that custody matters should not condition a child’s medical care. Please read the following policy that ensures your child’s care is minimally impacted. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to ask a member of our staff.
>>> Please view Divorced, Separated, or Unmarried Families Policy.
Patient Billing: Payment for patient responsibility is expected at the time of the visit. We accept Visa, MasterCard, American Express as well as cash and personal checks.
ACP does not want you to be surprised by a bill however, we are required to bill your health plan based on the actual services provided. If you have questions about your child’s medical bill or have financial difficulty that may require a payment schedule, please let us know. Some common questions we receive are around why a family receives a bill after a preventive service.
>>> Click here to learn more about Understanding Preventive Care Costs.
Insurance: We are a preferred provider for Aetna, Blue Cross/Premera, Cigna, Moda, MultiPlan, Tricare and United Healthcare insurance companies. If your child’s visit is covered by health insurance we will bill all insurances (primary, secondary, tertiary) after a copy of your insurance card has been added to our system. However, if the primary insurance has paid the claim in full it will be the guarantor’s responsibility to submit the claim to secondary and/or tertiary insurances. Medicaid patients are required to present a current card at the time of service.
ACP bills insurance as a courtesy to our families and we expect our families to understand their benefits as all plans are different. You are responsible for any and all co-payments, deductibles, and/or coinsurances we identify at the time of service. Not all services provided by our office are covered by every insurance plan. Any service not covered by your plan will be guarantor responsibility.